Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hi !!!

I woke up at 6: 45 AM today( I am trying to do it on a regular basis ). Listened to some spiritual songs and decided to pen down some thoughts. This blog creation is a result of many things which went into consideration :

1. Lots of thoughts in my mind like politics, national integrity, achieving peace and calm in the world, eliminating differences between caste system prevalent in India, achieving our generation to learn their past(which would give them a better understanding of current situation) and be proud of it yet not complacent about it and turn blind eye towards other faiths prevalent around you, analysis of modern days wonder of science and technology and my thoughts on it ( because I am a part of it as well ), and lastly (but certainly not the least important) my personal thoughts on my heritage and how do I view it in modern day context. Hmm...a lot of them in my spectrum which would certainly find a good means by this blog to come out, and I hope ppl around me would give me good suggestions on it.

2. I happened to meet an American girl on Orkut (which seemd to be weird at first 'cos they hardly use orkut and ususally swarm facebook, but anyways) which did seem to me an Indian before. We talked for sometime and she urged me to write my thoughts on the experience here during these 2 years in the United States. I will try my best.

I look forward to an increasing activity on this blog and will try to reach as many people as I can through it .

Wait for my first post.




  1. Hey Manu, This is Ne, Chan's best friend I am glad I am here to welcome you to blog land!!

    I am glad that Chan give a lil but of Inspiration for you to come and blog and I cannot wait to read more from you!


  2. hx Ne ...

    But not for her, I would not hv thought of making this thing.

    Yeah ....I will put my ideas forth ...

    Wait and watch

  3. By the way

    What are the principles of NE~ISM ??


  4. Hey Manu. I am glad that you are here on blogger. I just mentioned something that I thought you could like. I loved the passion that is in your head for telling things and in such detail.

    Look forward to reading you.

