Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bed of Roses - Statler Brothers

One of my favorite bands in country style music. Lova ya all Old folks of Dixie land !

Friday, March 27, 2009

There she went......never to come back

“Long and endless nights, introspection to its height, stillness in the air, abominable nature of the people, everybody, as if waiting for the ultimate collapse of the man.” Is that really me or have I become a victim of my deeds.
How could he be so void of sympathy? How so loathsome? The head of the Devil- perfect Satan on the earth to be grand.

There she was.... So perfect as if the gods spent one eon making her; she was the essence of the female- uneroded values, harsh and fierce for her independence yet so kind and contained unfathomably deep love, humility, respect and dignity.
The man whom she loved more than herself gave her something she never expected of- detachment – something she never could comprehend at that time. She cried, persisted a lot; even was prepared to put herself on the path of fire for him because she loved him with all the strength she could ever amass in her life. Yet, failure and gloom was she could see around. She begged not to leave her, even threatened at times, but it seemed the man would just not listen and understand.
It was in her fate to lose him. It was time to say goodbye. With a heavy heart she dissolved him-her man, never to be seen again in this lifetime. About a re-birth union? Well, only HE knows? Did she want that? Well, only she knows.

Years passed in blink of fall, spring and summer. Time always seem to give a smug face at us -dispassionately moving ahead in space; directed by the Creator never to stop for anybody.

And so, one day they met again. The woman was happy to see him, full of life, and full of forgiveness. The man appeared to be self destroyed.The ego, haughtiness in him failed to see the light which was true – which was of his woman. He neglected that and now he finds himself in dark gallows. Broken, dead and disillusioned with life, he was seeking redemption. They crossed each other. Perhaps a tear trickled down the face of the woman. But it was because of the compassion she had in her. The distances widened. Suddenly, they lost sight of each other. The man entered his home, sat and said - “Long and endless nights …… “

Happy New Year (Hindu New Year)

Yo Yo guys,

Just wanted to wish every person on this earth a very happy new year as per Hindu calendar month.

May GOD fulfill every wish in your hearts ...Don't forget HIM/HER though ...

GOD bless you

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Om Jai Jagdish - A popular arti (prayer) from India

The depiction in the video refers to Lord Krishna who reveals himself to be GOD incarnated on earth. His worship dates back to several hundred centuries before Jesus Christ, and the early lives of Krishna and Christ have some similarity in them regarding their upbringing, childhood, revealed nature etc ... The video depicts several facets of the Lord's life as a human - childhood, play with he girls, revealing his SELF etc .....

Rising up from bed early morning is something I would always love to think of and try to do, but cruel destiny has different plans for me all the times.... Anyways .....In India, you can hear sounds of bells ringin' from temple early in morninf, if your house is near to one. I have had this experience in my family, where my grandmother, mom, and my aunts used to wake up at 5 AM and get ready to pary in our in-house temple to the Lord for another beautiful day in making. The prayer which I am gonna post right now is one of the very famous prayers sung by majority of Hindus all over the world. In essence, it is dedicated to the Lord of the Universe, the all encompassing figure whom a devotee prays and dedicates his/her everything - happiness and woes- and gives himself/herself to dissolve with the ALMIGHTY.

The very music of this arti dissolves me and my identity with the LORD, and I usualy hear it every morning, when I wake up early morning-when surroundings are relatively calm and serene, not much noise is present ....The real effect is felt only then...

NOTE for the girls Ne and Chan :
NE: IN KUCH KUCH HOTA HAI , RANI sings the starting lines of this very same arti..Do you remember the scene when SRK tells her to prove here Indianness when she just comes from OXFORD to join her father's college ??? :)
read throught the lines, and let me know how close the description and attributes of the ALL ALMIGHTY in our faith resembles with your Jehovah ....

Chan : Put your perfumes in closet, and read and listen to it ... lol .... U are ma crazy girl ... :)

The arti(prayer) was composed in the year 1870s by Pandit(a title given to a preist in Hindu society) Shardha Ram Phillauri in Punjab, India ...

Quick notes :

Om : A Hindu revered symbol which is believed to encompass all energy in the world, and realizable by any human being if he/she chants in a right way

Jai : glory, victory

Jagdish : refers to Lord of the Universe. The depiction in the video refers to Lord Krishna

Hare : means to refers to Lord Krishna ...

So Om Jai Jagdish Hare in totality means : Oh Lord of the whole Universe (might not be correct totally , but sufficient for you blonds to understand ... lol )

The video misses the 3rd last and 2nd last stanza ....So just read thru the text...

The English translation of the arti is :

Oh Lord of the whole Universe
Mighty Lord of the whole Universe
All Thy devotees' agonies
All Thy devotees' sorrows
Instantly Thou banisheth
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

He who's immersed in devotion
He reaps the fruits of Thy love
Lord, he reaps the fruits of Thy love
Joy, prosperity and health
Enter the homes of those who pray to thee
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Thou art Mother and Father
There's none other than Thee, Lord
At Thy feet alone do I hope
You are the supreme soul, you are the indweller
Thou art Perfect, Eternal, Absolute
O Lord of all Creation

Thou art Godly perfection
Omnipotent Master of all
Lord, omnipotent Master of all
My destiny's in Thy Hand
My destiny's in Thy Hand
Supreme Soul of all Creation
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Thou art an ocean of mercy
Gracious protector of all
Lord, gracious protector of all
I am a simpleton with wrong wishes,
I am Thy servant and Thou art the Master
Grant me Thy divine grace
Oh Lord of the Universe

Thou art beyond all perception
Formless and yet multiform
Lord, formless and yet multiform
Grant me a glimpse of Thyself
Grant me a glimpse of Thyself
Guide me along the path to Thee
Oh Lord of the Universe

Friend of the helpless and feeble
Benevolent saviour of all
Lord, benevolent saviour of all
Offer me Thy hand of compassion
Protect me and bless me,
I seek refuge at Thy feet
Oh Lord of the Universe

Surmounting the earthly desires
Free from the sins of this life
Lord, free from the sins of this life
Undivided faith and devotion
Undivided faith and devotion
In eternal service unto Thee
Oh Lord of the whole Universe